Home News Opinion Don’t we have brains on our head?

Don’t we have brains on our head?

CC Pung, Justice of Peace , Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan, dose of philosophical musings.

Is it me and my limited learnedness?

Or are our public officials really tone deaf or downright stupid? 

Here 3 examples I’m thinking about.

1) the Central Bank governor said  that “Malaysian Ringgit is undervalued’.

Well, the Ringgit has been depreciating for as long as I can remember.

Like all Malaysians, I know I’m paying fore but can’t put my finger on where and how much.

It doesn’t take a banker to know that currency depreciation is not good.

Me, my butter and cheese prices have doubled in the last year, and I dont give a fugg if the highly paid Bank Negara governor could or couldn’t recognise if the MYR is under valued! Who is the culprit? Can the governor hang him?

Currency depreciation is a ondition of the economy. My concern is my cost of living is getting unbearable.

So, Mr Governor, fugg your assessment!

2) Sabah electricity consumers have for decades been living with worsening supply situation.

But unstead of telling me about steps towards reliable supply or some words of comfort, the chairman of Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd told me in a front page news that SESB is coming down hard on electricity thefts and millions in unpaid electricity bills.

What a genius!

But I can’t connect his big moves on my unsteady power supply!

So, Mr Chairman, can you give me some context? Your SESB allowed unpaid bills to accumulate. That’s negligence, and it is SESB’s middle name.

Sabahans already knew this. Do something.

As to power thieves, your consumers probably have more anecdotes to tell. But that doesn’t bother them more than power disruption at home.

Haven’t  you, Mr Chairman, grasped the core issue yet?

Don’t try to portray that you know the rot that’s going on.

Tell us consumers that our power supply will be made reliable under your watch.

3) KK City Hall’s lack of creativity in the city development is widely known.

It has a new mayor appointed recently, and his first piece of big ‘expose’ was that rate payers owed the City Hall multiple millions.

My first reaction was: Is he trying to expose the incompetence of his predecessors?

Why isn’t he telling me about what I as a city dweller can look forward to under his leadership?

Our city mayor is a public servant selected through a process that is anything but objective.

The new mayor has a background in collecting tax in the Inland Revenue Board.

I haven’t read anything yet on how that background will help city development.

I was thinking perhaps he’d announce new initiative to make the city pedestrian friendly by, say, introduce more greenery, shades, more walkways and level all five-foot ways to make them age friendly … or something like that.

But then officers like him tend to make big but hollow statements devoid of plans of action.

I guess the season of nincompoopery is often long. Ha ha ha….

Editor : The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of Talantang.

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