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Ramadhan time to reflect unity, through love, justice and firm against political manipulation – Tangau

KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau said the month of Ramadhan is a time to reflect on uniting Malaysians through love and justice, standing firm against political manipulation that seeks to divide the people by religion, ethnicity, and language.

The member of Parliament for Tuaran said the people must resist the temptation to engage in endless cultural wars over food, beverage, dress, and lifestyle choices, opting instead for mutual respect and coexistence.

“In this month of Ramadhan , let us embark on a journey of reflection and spiritual purification to become true Malaysians, repudiating any ethno-religious supremacy sentiments, ” he said in his latest social media postings.

He said looking back, a nation called Malaysia was formed with the Federal Constitution as the supreme law.

He said through the spirit of inclusivity, Sabah and Sarawak became equal partners with rights entailed in Malaysia Agreement 1963 and integrated into the Federal Constitution and all the other 12 documents inside it.

“Today, the remaining three equal partners embark on a good-faith relationship established alongside substantial efforts to restore the rights of the two territories of Sabah and Sarawak in the federation, ” he added.

In light of Nik Elin’s case, the landmark judgment by the Federal Court has indeed endorsed the Constitution’s supremacy and its sovereignty, of which the legislative powers of the Federal and State governments have been determined in the Ninth Schedule.

The judgment has absolutely nothing to do with undermining Islam as a religion, the official religion of the country.

“We must respect the judgment in the right spirit and abide by the court’s interpretation of the Constitution.”

“Let us take time to reflect on our healing of mind and emotion while embracing our spiritual quotient throughout the holy month.”

“During Ramadhan, as our Muslim friends and family fast, enhancing their humility and compassion, let those of us of different faiths join in spreading peace, harmony and tranquility, ” Tangau said.

This unity in diversity strengthens our shared humanity.

“As we look forward to Hari Raya Aidilfitri, may we reflect on our actions, seeking and offering forgiveness, reinforcing the bonds of understanding and unity across Malaysia’s multicultural and multiracial society.”


“As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins today, let us, as a nation, embrace it as a time for deep reflection, in search for unity and harmony, ” he added.

It has been said that during Prophet Muhammad’s time in Madinah, Islam presented one of the earliest models of a multicultural state, with the Prophet serving both as the spiritual leader of the Muslim Ummah and the political leader of all citizens of Madinah, including Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

This historical precedent offers us a profound example of unity and peaceful coexistence.

In the spirit of this significant period, let us allow the values of fraternity, solidarity, and fairness to take root deeply within our multi-ethnic society, reminiscent of the harmonious coexistence in much of the Nusantara region, where Islam and other faiths exist gently alongside each other.

“We are reminded that our differences are a means for us to learn about each other, fostering interdependence, symbolized beautifully by the relationship between bamboos and the riverbank.”

“Together, we are inseparable (seperti aur dengan tebing),” he said.

“On the international stage, let us join the majority of the world in advocating for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the pursuit of a two-state solution, aiming to end the long-standing injustices faced by its people.”

“We must consistently deliver a clear message in the strongest possible terms that we condemn the act of violence inflicted upon humanity especially the deaths of more than 30,000 Palestinians. Our compassion and prayers goes to them.”

“Let us continue to earnestly pray for lasting peace and mutual respect in the region, he said.

“May this Ramadan inspire us all towards greater harmony and understanding. A blessed Ramadhan to all, ” Tangau said

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