Home News Too many parties complicates Sabah’s political landscape: Ligunjang

Too many parties complicates Sabah’s political landscape: Ligunjang

PENAMPAN: A former Sabah lawmaker said the presence of numerous political parties in Sabah has complicated the political landscape in the state.

Datuk James Ligunjang pointed out that this divisive political environment has led to fragmentation and challenges in achieving consensus on important issues.

As a result, it is difficult to present a unified front when advocating for Sabah’s rights and autonomy as outlined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and Federal Constitution.

“This situation has impeded the progress and development of Sabah for the last 60 years,” he said in his social media latest posting.

The former Petagas assemblyman said Sabahans should seriously consider reducing the presence of so many political parties in the State, especially those coming from outside of Sabah.

The Justice of Peace was commenting on the launching of Sabah chapter of Sarawak-based Parti Sedar, here, Saturday.

The latest party to join the already crowded political organisation in Sabah is headed by Prof Arrifin Willie Mohamad and deputy chairperson Julia Emelda Ongkili.

“We should learn to rely on ourselves and not on others whose agenda is to divide us, Ligunjang said.

According to him, while diversity can offer representation and healthy debate, it’s important to consider the impact of excessive division on our common goals and vision for the betterment of Sabah.

“Sabah has been a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, ” he said.

Common oyoh,sedar lah. – Talantang 15 Januari.


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