Home Berita Sedar believes in principles of democracy: Othman

Sedar believes in principles of democracy: Othman

KOTA KINABALU: Parti Sedar Rakyat president Datuk Othman Abdillah said the party firmly believe in the principles of democracy that allow for a diverse range of voices and choices.

It is essential to emphasise that the democratic process allows anyone to contest, contributing to a vibrant political landscape.

“Our party sees this diversity as an opportunity to bring forward innovative ideas, representing the varied aspirations of the Sabahan people, ,” he said in a statement today.

Othman was responding to former Petagas assemblyman Datuk James Ligunjang who yesterday said too many parties complicated Sabah political landscape.

Sedar Sabah headed by Prof Arrifin Willie Mohamad launched its state chapter here Saturday.

“We appreciate Datuk James Ligunjang’s call for a reduction in the number of political parties in Sabah, ” Othman Said.

Sedar acknowledged the concern about the economic challenges faced by Sabah. The party’s commitment is to address these issues through effective governance and strategic policies.

“We believe that a well-managed Sabah will naturally discourage unnecessary political competition, as the state prospers, and the quality of life improves for its citizens.

Furthermore, our party is deeply committed to upholding the rights and autonomy of Sabah as outlined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the Federal Constitution,” he said.

He added that the party understand the need for progress and development in Sabah, and its policies aim to create positive change.

Othman said the party’s focus remains on working tirelessly to uplift the socio-economic conditions of Sabah, ensuring a brighter future for all. Talantang – 16 January 2024


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