Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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The evolution of social media.

CC Pung’s dose of philosophical musings.
The writer is a Sabah Justice of Peace and Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan.

I can’t remember (not due to memory loss!) how I got into social media and, in some cases, how this 21st century monster became part of my life.

Not so long ago I was referring to numerous studies coming out of China, South Korea and Canada about the dangerous proliferation of social media and how a new kind of addiction is harming the youth.

At that time, there wasn’t yet any warning about older people (like me lah!) Getting hooked.

My wi fi connection was compromised yesterday.

I told .tself ‘no bif deal’ and that would sort itself out.

It was 2pm on a public holiday and the major sport events (Aust Open badminton, US Open golf)  on TV have ended.

And Astro was repeating of tri-peating its cheap collection of movies and documentaries.

I suddenly found myself restless and seemingly jittery and nor knowing why.

I gathered myself for an instant and realised that I have been constantly reaching for my phone and trying to connect TikTok, FB, YouTuba and whatever icons that I could click on. Nothing.

I realised that Gosh! I’m officially ‘substance dependent’.

Looking back, I realise that since eternity, the first thing I reach out to in the morning has been my handphone.

If I left my wallet, it wouldn’t bother me cos I usually leave some cash in the car for emergency.

But no matter how far away I’m from the house, I’d hurry back grumpily to  pick up my left-behind phone.

That’s how ‘attached’ I’m. But don’t ask me to admit it!

I’ve been trying, with little success, to leave my phone away from the bedroom at night.

But little did I realise that my lifelong reading habit is being substituted by my Googling.

My Webster’s and Oxford dictionaries are gathering dust with their cousins in biology, physics, politics etc.

Maybe they’ll become collectors’ items like cassette tapes and music CDs?

I never blogged or initiated any WhatsApp group.

But I realised recently that I’ve been included in ìnnumerable purposeless groups.

I guess I’m one of those ‘kiasu’ (afraid to loose) people who feels important for being invited and being too polite to leave.

It’s called ‘social’media but some people have recently pointed out that most people in social media are neither ‘social’ nor friendly.

Some are bent on finding faults with the views of others while having little of their views to offer

Some, like me, just don’t care nor want to attract the cynics

There are space in social media that can be used for good.

But no thanks to worsening narrow mindness, wokeism, bigotry and selfishness, social media is a cesspool.

May God help us with our common addiction.

Editor: The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of Talantang

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