KDM to go solo in the upcoming PRN17

Datuk Peter Anthony speaking at the press conference Wednesday The party will unveil its manifesto and reform movement this Saturday...

POIC Lahad Datu, a gateway to expand to East Asia

Yong (fifth left) presenting a memento to Mohd Shahar. LAHAD DATU: Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee said government agencies...

Tokoh HAWANA 2024 James Alexander Ritchie

In an interview with editor Joseph Bingkasan, he speaks on his exciting life as an investigative reporter. "I learn...

Top 5 This Week

Hayati semangat perjuangan PBS  1985 – Dr Joachim

Dr. Joachim (tengah) merakamkan gambar kenangan dengan Dr Christoper (lima dari kanan) bersama Exco Pemuda selaku urusetia yang terlibat mengendalikan program Jelajah Konvoi Pergerakan...

Feeling left behind.

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

Lack of inert ability has nothing to do with ethnicity, genes or ancestors

Justice of Peace , Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan,...

Points to ponder

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

It’s called social media.

Justice of Peace , Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan,...

Discontent widespread but GRS coalition is sure of re election

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

Baby Boomer

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...



Tamu Donggongon – Apa terjadi dengan peruntukan RM8.5 juta?

PENAMPANG: Pekan Donggongon di Penampang bermula sebagai "kawasan rehat" bagi penduduk dari bukit Moyog dan nelayan ketika mereka berkumpul...


Touring, shopping and golfing on taxpayers’ dime

By Terence Fernandez "Government trips abroad are important but also an opportunity for some to make merry with people’s money." ( This article has appeared in...

Many things that ought to have our attention

By CC Ping, J.PTokoh Wartawan Sabah and FT Labuan RECENTLY, Malaysians were drawn into (of course thru the social media lah) exchanges on - 1) requiring...

The state of the nation: The storms in our teacups

By Datuk Zainul Arifin "Despite political posturing and MA63 debates, Malaysia’s resilience shines through after 61 years of being formed via dealings and negotiations instead...

Must Read


Tokoh HAWANA 2024 James Alexander Ritchie

In an interview with editor Joseph Bingkasan, he...

A designer horn loudspeaker

Avantgarde Acoustic Duo loudspeaker Compiled byJerry Sodikit ( Few designers are...

Scary Tales and Uncanny Encounters

Book Review ANNA VIVIENNE ...Thought Provoking THIS book, contains  a collection...

A book on narrative depictions of the people’s lifestyles in days gone by

Hauntings and Ghostly WhispersTales of the Spirit World Anna Vivienne,...

Remembering Sarawak’s role in the formation of Malaysia Federation

By James RitchieTokoh Wartawan Sarawak "September 16  is the most...