Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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The shenanigans on Hannah Yeoh and her book ‘Becoming Hannah’ tells many oddities and silliness

By C C Pung
Justice of Peace

The law suits and all the shenanigans surrounding Hannah Yeoh and her book ‘Becoming Hannah’ tell of many oddities and silliness in Malaysia.

The book was published in 2014. I read it in, I think, 2018.

It didn’t leave much impression, certainly not anything covertly linked to any sinister intention to Christianise Malaysia.

First off, the book has been in public circulation the last 10 years with no objection from Malaysia’s moral and religious authorities or any self-proclaimed spokesman of the Divine.

Why the sudden ‘awakening’?

Did some genius discover that Hannah’s book contained coded ungodly messages that turned many away from Islam?

If a book written by a devout Christian in plain English could have the persuasive power to  convert muslims, it reveals a few things.
1) the authorities (majority led by Muslim officials) have been negligent.
2) Hannah possesses Godly power that even she as a believer probably won’t believe, and
3) Muslims (those who were swayed) need to review the strength and depth of their faith and the well paid govt officials tasked with promoting Islam need a slap on their wrists.

Hannah is a hard working minister in the self-styled ‘unity’govt sweetened with its ‘madani’ philosophy.

Unless I missed it, I don’t think any of her govt colleagues especially the Muslim ones including PM Anwar, had muttered a word of support or offered a voice or reason and calm, or exhibited that they’re bothered.

If a book like Hannah’s can threaten Islam, or Zakir Naik at the other end of the spectrum against christianity, how do Islam and Christianity survive the non stop onslaught on YouTube video, pro Christian blogs and all manner of anti Islam propaganda?

With believers numbering in the billions, I believe that the faith of the masses in the respective teachings and doctrines are in themselves formidable barriers against proselytising.

That’s the prerogative of Allah, or God, or whatever name you prescribed to the Maker.

To me, defending my god is done through me observing good moral behaviour at all times.

I don’t see myself confronting a blasphemer simply because I don’t know enough to make the judgement.

I’m a believer. I’m not God nor am I His bodyguard or spokesman.

Yes, the Bible does commission believers to ‘go out and make disciples ….’ but we,  blessed with wisdom, should know where not to thread.

Slandering or yelling till the blood vessels in my neck threaten to burst are not the ways of my god.

If 911 was the fulfillment of supposedly divine command, show me the evidence of the glories of martyrdom.

Like the moulding of our character, our afterlife is a process of moulding in the life we’re living here and now.

Let common sense prevail. Peace.

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