Tuesday, November 12, 2024


KKTP reviewing relevant bylaws and ordinances – Dr Joachim

Dr Joachim (second left) receiving a memento from Dr Edwin. PENAMPANG : - The Local Government and Housing Ministry (KKTP)...

Workshop on Conservation for Malaysia’s Trees

Presentation of souvenir to Dr Arthur Chung (3rd from right) by Yvette Harvey-Brown of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)...

Salleh named BN candidate for Usukan in PRN17

KOTA BELUD: Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak, the assemblyman for Usukan, has been selected as the Barisan Nasional...

Top 5 This Week

Lawatan kilat Frankie Poon ke Jambatan 6, Kampung Sim Sim

SANDAKAN : – Selepas selesai menghadiri program di Padang Bandaran Sandakan semalam, Datuk Frankie Poon Ming Fung bersama pasukan, telah mengadakan lawatan kilat ke...

Feeling left behind.

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

Lack of inert ability has nothing to do with ethnicity, genes or ancestors

Justice of Peace , Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan,...

Points to ponder

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

It’s called social media.

Justice of Peace , Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan,...

Discontent widespread but GRS coalition is sure of re election

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

Baby Boomer

Justice of  Peace, Tokoh Wartawan Sabah dan Labuan, CC...

