Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Roar on aging Lions

CC Pung, Justice of Peace , Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan, dose of philosophical musings

A not entirely-new team of Lions were elected last night.

They take office in July to lead our Lions Club of KK Host in the fiscal year 2024/2025 under president Dr Devadas Ramankutty (centre, seated).

I somehow got nominated as a director after many years in idle wilderness and 25+ years since I served as the president.

I couldn’t help but noticed the aging membership and it stands out conspicuously by presence of about half of the Board members being in their 70s.

One, in Lion Tan Sing Ben, is in his 80s.

Our meeting was held in our third floor club house at Linda’s Square. We bought it in 1999, and I’m proud of having played a role and contributed money for the acquisition.

There was a time I used to run up the stairs and hopped my way down.

Last night I struggled both ways. I don’t know how Sing Ben did it.
Old friends are great and fellowship is recharging.

But I still was affected by my thoughts if the declining interest in Lionism or, specifically, our Lions Club, could be partly due to long-time members like me who are guilty of living in the past and reminiscing ‘the good old days’.

With two boys of my own who, like many children of others, have drifted apart, I’m aware that the younger ones aren’t interested in our recollections.

I try to avoid saying ‘in the old days…’, “During my time …” or any such sentimental openings.

But it’s hard to rally one, especially those  my age.

KK Host has members in their 40s and 50s who are coming forward.

We have not been successful with a younger set.

The lack of interest has been attributed to changing life styles and evolving values, empathy deficit and material pursuit.

But that’s for academia to consider. Me, I’ll just try not to be a pain in the behind, and not put or talk too much about my 37-year membership.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

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