Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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GRS govt committed to resolving water problem – Joniston

Joniston…the open support from the opposition Warisan youth wing raises questions about the demonstration’s true intent.

KOTA KINABALU:- Datuk Joniston Bangkuai said the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah-led state government has shown its magnanimity in acknowledging the concerns raised by demonstrators regarding the ongoing water issues.

The GRS information chief pointed out that the presence of Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Works Datuk Shahelmy Yahya to meet with demonstrators and to receive the group’s memorandum on behalf of the Chief Minister indicates the state government’s openness to public engagement and transparency.

“However, the group insisted on delivering the memorandum directly to the Chief Minister, suggesting ulterior motive and insincerity,” Joniston said in a statement Saturday.

He added that the open support from the opposition Warisan youth wing raises questions about the demonstration’s true intent.

“It is crucial to consider whether this demonstration genuinely addresses water issues or if it is politically motivated to undermine the state government.”

“Some demonstrators directed unkind remarks at the Chief Minister, suggesting a politically charged agenda rather than genuine concern for water issues,” he said.

Joniston also pointed out that the participation of individuals without identification documents is also concerning and warrants further investigation.

“What is important is that the State government has acknowledged the longstanding water challenges and that efforts are ongoing to resolve them.”

Joniston claimed that the water problem is a legacy problem inherited since the previous administrations, including when Warisan was in power, but the current state government remains dedicated to finding effective solutions.

According to Joniston, significant funds have been allocated to improve water supply, including in the rural areas, and these improvements will take time.

“While the GRS State government respects the right to peaceful demonstration, we urge constructive cooperation to address these critical issues together.”

“Certain groups may continue organising demonstrations under the guise of upholding democratic rights, but the state government’s commitment to resolving water issues, along with other concerns such as electricity and roads, will be proven over time, ” he said.

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