Sunday, September 8, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Football is a reflection of the changing demography in much of Europe.

CC Pung’s dose of philosophical musings.
The writer is a Sabah Justice of Peace and Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan.

I watched Spain defeat England 2-1 t o become 2024 UEFA Cup champions.

Aside from matches in the earlier rounds, I also caught some matches of Copa America half the world away from Germany/UEFA.

The buzz I got was, however, less football than diversity, perpetual human migration and Malaysia’s seemingly counter-intuitive obsession with race and religion.

England still reminisces aits only global silverware in football, I.e the 1966 World Cup where it beat then West Hermany 4-2 after extra time.

I remember Geoff Hurst historic hattrick (it is apparently still a World Cup record) goalie Gordon Babks, the Charlton brothers, captain Bobby More, Alan Ball, etc.

I can’t quite recall the names of the German players.

But one thing for sure is that both teams featured all Caucasian players that, to my little brain, that befits the word ‘European’.

UEFA is a contest between the 20+ nations collectively known as ‘Europe’ My old notion of that word is challenged when I look at the number of players in Orang Putih teams who don’t fit the ‘European’ description.

Other than England and Spain, non white players in the teams of Grrmany, France, Portugal, Holland, etc are a sure reflection of the changing demography in much of Europe.

Less obvious are countries formerly classified as ‘Eastern Europe’ or the former Soviet republics.

But the signs are there.

On the other side of the Atlantic, iconic ‘America’ nations like Canada and USA will probably have difficulties putting up a credible soccer challenge without import/immigrant players.

Latin American nations still seem to be maintaining their indigenous dominance.

I think it’s only a matter of time as their economies improved and their borders opened.

Looking around, I therefore find the on going monologue (because any debate is futile) on the so-called 3R (race, religion, royalty) in Malaysia.

The special position of race (the majority Malays), religion (islam) and the monarchy is assured in the Malaysian Constitution.

I don’t remember this was ever challenged. So why this victimhood posturing?

Looking at the increasing diversity around the world, it’s puzzling that Malaysia has room for narrow minded chauvinism, and this is ironically proliferating even as the government champions the so-called ‘madani’ concept of supposedly fairness and equality.

When ‘Madani’ was suggested, I predicted that it wiold end up lame like the slogans of many successive governments.

Our problem is our tendency to talk about what Madani is and overlook the need to put madani in policies and administrative actions.

Out government likes to posture that it subscribes to notions of ‘integrity’, but it and its leaders don’t see themselves as necessarily the torch earners of integrity.

More often than not, they come across nothing more than salesmen of an idea they don’t understand.

I’m quite sure that a lot among them watched the recently football matches. Maybe they saw nothing else but just grown boys kicking a ball around and making a lot of money.

I thought that is pathetic.

Editor: The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of Talantang.

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