Friday, October 18, 2024

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Growing up smarter and wiser on ‘Robert’s Rules’

CC Pung’s dose of philosophical musings.
The writer is a Sabah Justice of Peace and Tokoh Wartawan Sabah and Labuan.

This pops out as I was going through my book shelves looking to, perhaps, rid of some titles whose time is up.

I think it’s easier to get rid of old T-shirts and tattered jockeys than books I’ve forgotten about but whose titles bring back vivid memories of where I was when they were bought.

This book is one of more than a dozen on Robert’s Rules and related subjects on meeting procedures and essentials of presiding and participating in meetings.

I remember signing up for a one-day course by the Jaycees on ‘Chairmanship and Meeting Procedures’ back in the 1970s.

Something clicked and I’ve been a student of Robery’s Rules since.

At work and in the Lions Club, I tried with very limited success to promote the understanding and adherence to Robert’s Rules.

Here’s the paradox.

If I quoted Robert’s Rules, I risked being dismissed as ‘bookish’ or pseudo intellectual.

If I don’t, then my points about proper rules and practices have no legs to stand on.

Over the years, I noticed that I’ve hardly made a difference.

Except for the sittings of the Sabah State Assembly, the Parliament (it’s on TV) meetings I observed or participated in have been ones that were oblivious to rules and the presiding officers were most clueless.

In at least one of the books on my shelves, Robert’ Rules has been likened to the universal rules governing traffic.

For example, me stop on red, and go on green.

That way we don’t run into each other, and nobody can claim advantage by virtue of his/her societal position of the horsepower of the car they drive.

I thought the analogy would strike a cord with my audience given that they all drive.

But no.

Almost all of them moaned about the Rules being too complicated.

They are not alone.

Apparently, like the universality of Robert’s Rules, the resistance against learning and adhering to it is universal as well.

Perhaps this ‘Complete Idiot’s Guide’ is useful.

I have heard over the years speakers pontificating about conducting effective meetings, meeting etiquette, decorum, bla bla.

They often forgot to talk about the rules that bring about such outcome.

I know my detractors are saying ‘so what, people are going about getting things done and not knowing Robert’s Rules’.

They are right.

But things could have been done better, less conflict, less post-meeting macho posturing, less law suits, and we live up to our claim of being civilised.

Editor: The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of Talantang’s.

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