Monday, September 16, 2024

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Defending the Dreams of Malaysia

By Datuk James Ligunjang
Justice of Peace
Ex Assemblyman for Petagas

AS Sabah approaches its critical state election next year, the stakes have never been higher for those who believe in the promises of Malaysia enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

The political interference from Malaya poses a great challenge to Sabah’s autonomy, which is fundamental to the agreement that established Malaysia as a federation.

MA63 was crafted to ensure that Sabah could govern itself as an equal partner, preserving its unique cultural identity and safeguarding its rights.

Our forefathers fought valiantly during the formation of Malaysia in 1963 to secure freedom from colonial rule and to embed specific clauses in MA63 to protect Sabahans’ interests and freedom.

These include guarantees of religious freedom, economic empowerment through the return of 40% of federal revenues, border protection from foreign intervention and illegal immigration, and the preservation of Sabah’s distinctive cultural heritage.

Those of us who hold MA63 sacred must stand firm against any efforts that undermine our rights.

Our constitutional freedoms must not be eroded by political forces seeking to dismantle the principles of autonomy and equality upon which Malaysia was built.

Sabahans must unite to reject political interference from parties outside our borders. We must strive to protect the dreams of Malaysia and resist any internal colonization efforts by Malayan parties that threaten our autonomy and freedom.

There is a systematic assault by Malaya to destroy the foundation and fabric of MA63 by involving itself in the political process of Sabah, and we must fight against it at all costs.

The upcoming state election represents a pivotal moment for Sabah.

It tests our ability to resist the growing influence of Malayan parties and affirms our commitment to the principles of self-determination set by our ancestors in MA63.

Our political leaders face a choice: prioritize the interests of Sabah over personal gains or risk perpetual domination by Malaya, which can potentially undermine Malaysia’s existence.

This election is not just about governance; it is about affirming the values of freedom and autonomy granted to us in MA63 and the constitution.

Let us stand united and resolute in our mission to uphold the promises of MA63.

By doing so, we ensure that the dreams of Malaysia remain alive, and that Sabah’s rights and heritage are preserved for future generations.

Unity and patriotism must guide us as we head to the polls next year, honoring the sacrifices of those who came before us and securing a free and prosperous future for all Sabahans.

“Cukup-cukuplah kita berpecah dan dipecahkan.”

Editor: The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of

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